نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
أستاذ التربية المقارنة والإدارة التعليمية المساعد کلية التربية- جامعة عين شمس
الكلمات الرئيسية
الموضوعات الرئيسية
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلفون [English]
Lately, as a result of the technological revolution that invaded the world, many terms related to it had appeared to express about it, one of them was the term of Digital Trend, that appeared as a natural reaction for Digital Transformation, which was reflected on all life aspects, and especially education, which was transformed also into learning, as today student is responsible for finding his learning resources by himself, so the traditional reliance on teacher is no longer the only source of knowledge, it was an obligation on students shoulders to search for his technological learning resources by himself, but without giving up teacher’s role in achieving the ultimate outcome of learning inside students minds.
Digital trends that teachers should use effectively, were varied, to empower students benefiting from them, as they have a role in achieving digital learning aims, according to 21st century requirements, some of them are: Cloud Computing, Mobile Learning, bring your Own Device, Learning Analytical, Open Content, 3D Printing, and Virtual and Remote Laboratories.
The research aimed at reaching some suggested scenarios for training general Secondary Stage teachers in A.R.E. in the Light of the comparative study and what is suitable for the Egyptian society.
To achieve this aim, the research used the Scenario Technique.
According to the above mentioned, the research followed these steps:
A theoretical frame about training general Secondary Stage teachers in the light of the digital trends.
Describing and diagnosing points of weaknesses and strengths at training general Secondary Stage teachers in A.R.E. in the light of the digital trends.
Describing and diagnosing points of weaknesses and strengths at training High Secondary Stage teachers in Canada in the light of the digital trends.
Describing and diagnosing points of weaknesses and strengths at training High Secondary Stage teachers in Australia in the light of the digital trends.
Determining The general distinguished trends in A.R.E., Canada, and Australia.
Determining the motivation and impressive power that affect training High Secondary Stage teachers in A.R.E., Canada, and Australia.
Reaching some suggested scenarios for training general Secondary Stage teachers in A.R.E. in the Light of the comparative study and what is suitable for the Egyptian society.
الكلمات الرئيسية [English]