نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
1 أستاذ أصول التربية المساعد کلية التربية – جامعة دمياط
2 مدرس أصول التربية کلية التربية – جامعة عين شمس
الكلمات الرئيسية
الموضوعات الرئيسية
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلفون [English]
The development of school administration in accordance with contemporary administrative trends is an urgent necessity, this is an attempt to reach administrative excellence and face modern challenges, and the central role of schooling management is providing the principles of success for educational institution. But the schooling management field as a human activity still in need to another interesting from all responsible of the educational process and who make educational policies which is affect on learning results positively which is the most educational targets.
In light of above we can determine the problem of research in the following main question:
How we can achieve competitive advantage in pre-university education institutions in light of leader ship skills.
This main question has other sub –questions:
1-What is theoretical and conceptual frame work of leader ship advantage?
2-what are the most leader ship skills in leader ship s of pre-university education institutions from point of view its workers?
3-what is the reality of leader ship skills at pre-university educational institutions from point of view of its workers?
4-what are the challenges which prevent leader ship skills practicing at pre-university education institutions from point of its managers?
5-what is the mechanisms which activate leader ship skills to achieve a competitive advantage in of pre-university education institutions?
Research methodology
This study depends on descriptive methodology which analyses the reality and explain it scientifically and logically and take this problem accurately by collecting accurate data about the phenomenon and analyzing it.
Limits of research:
1-obyective limits: achieving competitive advantage at secondary schools in light of leader ship skills entrance
2-Human limits: managers of secondary school and its workers in Damietta.
3-Spatial Limits: schools of secondary schools in Damietta Governorate.
4-Time Limits: period of making research from 2019-2020.
Research reached at some mechanisms to active:
Leader ship skills in achieving competitive advantage in pre-university education institutions such as:
1-spreading a culture of development among managers of general secondary schools.
2-Holding training courses and programs in leader ship skills field.
3-School leaders are chosen on the basis of the availability of skills (self, administrative, human, artistic, intellectual, administrative or pictorial)
4-attention to developing these skills (self-manage mental humanity-technical-intellectual-cognitive) for general secondary schools managers.
5-Holding seminars; scientific meetings and conferences which aim at definition the importance of leader ship skills and ways of activating it.