the educational role of Friday sermon in facing some contemporaryissues in the Islamic society

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Islamic Education, Department of Islamic Education Faculty of Education - Al-Azhar University - Cairo


The study aimed to reveal the educational role of Friday sermon in facing some contemporaryissues in the Islamic society. The study also aimed to clarify the importance, characteristics, reality and mechanisms of improvementof Friday sermon. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method to identify the concepts of the educational role of Friday sermon, in addition to disclosing the reality of Friday sermon, and the mechanisms of improvement thereof. The researcher also used the method of statistical analysis to identify the extent of the availability of the educational role of Friday sermon in facing some issues of contemporary Islamic society, using a questionnaire distributed to the faculty members of the Faculty of Education for Boys at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, and the Islamic Call College at Al-Azhar University in Cairo.
The most important findings were that: the degree of response to the overall axes was (weak) from the point of view of the study sample. The study reached that there were statistically significant differences between the responses of the sample members attributed to the college variable (Education –Islamic Call), for the total questionnaire, in favor of Islamic Call College. Moreover, there were statistically significant differences between the responses of the sample members attributed to the variable of practicing rhetoric (practicing rhetoric–not practicing rhetoric), for the total questionnaire, in favor of practicing rhetoric. Further, there were statistically significant differences between the responses of the sample members attributed to the variable of academic degree (professor –assistant professor - teacher), for the total questionnaire, in favor of professor.


Main Subjects