A program in Science based on the Cultural Historical Activity Theory to Develop Emotional social skills and Motivation for learning and Cognitive Achievement among Primary School Pupils

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Curricula and Teaching Sciences Assistant Faculty of Education - Ain Shams University


The research aimed at developing the social emotional and motivation for learning and cognitive achievement in primary school pupils, through a program in science based on the Cultural Historical Activity Theory.  The research groups consisted of (78) pupils and were divided into (39) pupils for the control group at Zawiya Al-Hamra Primary School, and (39) pupils for the experimental group. The experiment was held on the tenth of Ramadan. The school was in the zone of Al-Zawia Alhamra dectorate, Cairo governorate. The equality of the two research groups was confirmed in terms of age, economic and social level, and previous knowledge. The researcher used the analytical descriptive approach when building the program, the teacher's guide and the design of research tools. The tools were as follows: a list of emotional social skills, a list of learning motivation ales, a measure of emotional social skills, a measure of motivation for learning, and achievement test. The research used the cognitive and experimental method with two experimental and control groups to ensure the effectiveness of the program in the development of the dependent variables in before and after the adminstration. The program was applied with the application of post-teaching evaluation tools for the pilot group. The results showed a statistically d difference between the average grades of pupils of the experimental and control groups in the dimension application of both the emotional social skills scale and the motivation alicit scale for learning and achievement test for the experimental group. In light of these findings, the researcher recommended inviting the administrators of the educational system to include classroom and non-classroom activities within the curriculum to enhance social and emotional skills at each level of education, and to conduct training courses and workshops for faculty members to train them in preparing activities. Teaching that enhances the skills of emotional social learning for their students, and encourages faculty members to include emotional social learning skills in their teaching activities, thereby increasing students' ability to cope with school frustrations and setbacks and increasing their ability to cope with school problems. In addition, this will be positively reflected in their achievement. The results of the current research will benefit in building professional development programs by adopting entries other than emotional social learning.


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