The role of artificial intelligence in facing the Corona pandemic in the face of coexistence with it

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Foundations of Education and former Dean of the Faculty of Education - University of Menoufia


The world was and still is suffering from persistent human crises caused by natural disasters, and the epidemics to which mankind is exposed in many times, which imposes on us the necessity that the applications of artificial intelligence and data science in addition to the different applications of the fourth industrial revolution, have a clear role in helping to save more of Spirits and alleviate the suffering of the sick and the injured, and to enhance the ways that predict the occurrence of such disasters, and to enhance the ways and means of dealing with them before, during and after their occurrence.
"We believe that artificial intelligence can be a game changer in the face of pressing societal challenges and creating a better future for it," said Lucas Juba, who heads the "Artificial Intelligence for Earth" program at Microsoft Corporation. Global Data, the specialist in data analysis, “Governments are moving more towards the use of advanced technologies; Such as drones and other applications of artificial intelligence, after the traditional methods are unable to contain the pandemic, to play a role in ensuring the application of physical divergence, temperature measurement, monitoring of human populations, the spread of antiseptics, the delivery of medicines and tracking. ”


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