Employing a knowledge economy in designing proposed educational situations For Developing aspects of vocational Rehabilitation for students with hearing disabilities, Al-Amal Technical Secondary School.

Document Type : Original Article


Doctor of Special Education - hearing impairment pathway


 The research aimed at employing a knowledge economy in designing proposed educational situations, and identifying the impact of this on the vocational rehabilitation process for students with hearing impairment through developing transitional life skills, religious awareness and psychological resilience among students of Al-Amal Technical Secondary School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The research group consisted of 20 students from Students of Khalid bin Al-Waleed Technical Secondary School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the research used tools for transitional life skills card, religious awareness card, and psychological measure of resilience, and the research used the experimental educational method, and relied on the design of the one group with two tribal measurements and After me, the results of the research reached the effectiveness of employing a knowledge economy in designing proposed educational situations on developing transitional life skills, religious awareness and psychological resilience among students of technical secondary school for the deaf and hearing impaired to qualify them professionally, and the study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the expansion in the inclusion of the knowledge economy in the curricula of students with disabilities Acoustically, and attention to the development of transitional life skills for students with hearing impairment in technical secondary education, and attention to developing religious awareness and psychological resilience, and linking it to the process of vocational rehabilitation for them


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