The Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Brief Counseling in developing some Self- Determination Skills among Blind Adolescents

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Mental Health Faculty of Education - Minia University


         The present study aimed at designing a counseling program according to De-Shazer and Berg 's vision in solution-focused brief counseling, identifying its effectiveness in developing some self-determination skills (self-awareness, self-regulation, autonomy and Overcome Obstacles), as well as identifying the difference in the effectiveness of the used program in developing some self-determination skills for the counseling group according to sex and its continuity in developing some self-determination skills in the follow-up period. The counseling group consisted of (10) blind adolescents in Alnour school for blinds, Minia governorate, with age average (16.8) years, and a standard deviation (0.918). The study tools included the self-determination skills scale for blind adolescents and the counseling program designed by the researcher. The study concluded that the solution-focused brief counseling program is effective in developing some self-determination skills as there are statistically significant differences between score ranks average of individuals of the counseling group in pre-and post measurements on dimensions self-determination skills scale and total score favoring post measurement. There are no statistically significant sex differences in the effectiveness of the used program. In addition, results revealed that the effectiveness of the counseling program continued in the follow-up period relying on the use of proper statistical tests.


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