Strategies of cognitive burden theory in teaching psychology to develop basic thinking skills and reduce test anxiety in students with slow secondary school learning

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Assistant Psychology Faculty of Education - Assiut University


The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of cognitive burden theory strategies in teaching psychology to develop basic thinking skills and reduce test anxiety among slow-learning students at the secondary level. The study was applied to (7) slow-learning students from high-school students and the study reached:
*The effectiveness of cognitive burden theory strategies in teaching psychology to develop basic thinking skills among students with slow learning at the secondary level, where a statistically significant difference was found at the level of significance (0,01) between the average grade levels of students in the study group in the pre and post applications in the skill of summarizing the goal setting skill, The skill of asking questions, the skill of interpretation, in favor of post-application, as the value of (3,40-3,20-3,29 -3,19), respectively, and the value of the effect size "r" (0,661-0,59-0, 61 -0,60), which is a great value, and a statistically significant difference was also found at the significance level (0,01) between the average students ’grades in the pre and post applications. I have basic thinking skills as a whole, in favor of post-implementation, as the value of "z" (3,40) and the value of the effect size "r" (0,61) is a great value, which indicates that the previous change is due to the effect of teaching science Self in light of the cognitive burden theory in developing basic thinking skills among students with slow learning at the secondary level.
*The effectiveness of cognitive burden theory strategies in teaching psychology to reduce test anxiety among slow-learning students at the secondary level, where a statistically significant difference was found at the level of significance (0,01) between the average grade levels of students in the study group in the pre and post applications on the test anxiety scale, and that In favor of post-implementation, where the value of "z" (1,39) and the value of the effect size "r" (0.37) is an average value and does not represent a significant impact, which means that teaching strategies in light of the epistemic burden theory have an average effect of reducing anxiety The test in students has slow learning at the secondary level, which confirms that exam anxiety may have a cause The portion of the burden of knowledge was later changed, so the results were of medium effect and did not rise to the major effect.


Main Subjects

Volume 77, Issue 77 - Serial Number 77
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
September 2020
Pages 671-706
  • Receive Date: 12 June 2020
  • Revise Date: 24 June 2020
  • Accept Date: 10 July 2020