Proposed Guide for Applying the Preventive Supervision Style in some Classroom Management Processes: A Field Study in Primary Schools in Alexandria Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Educational Administration and Assistant Education Policy Faculty of Education - Alexandria University


As a result of developments in the concept of educational supervision, there are many styles of modern educational supervision; one of the modern styles of educational supervision that focuses on the novice teacher is the preventive supervision style. The supervisor helps the teacher to prevent undesired behaviors from students, identifies the context in which that behavior is likely to occur, and then provides alternatives and reinforcements for the expected behaviors. Several studies have linked educational supervision and classroom management, so it was one of the most prominent goals of the current research is to know the level of preventive practices that the technical director follows in some classroom management processes from the viewpoint of newly appointed teachers in primary schools in Alexandria Governorate, and the research followed the descriptive survey method, and the questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data, the research sample reached (315) teachers. The research reached a set of results, the most important of which are: the estimation of the research sample for the preventive practices followed by the technical director in some classroom management processes came with a degree (medium) with a weighted average of (3.2), and there are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) between the averages of the research sample in the level of preventive practices that the technical director followed in some classroom management processes according to the variable of the teacher’s academic qualification, while statistically significant differences were attributed to the variables of specialization, educational administration, and the number of training courses obtained by the teacher in classroom management. A guide has been proposed; it aimed at disseminating and exchanging information about procedures and mechanisms for applying preventive supervision in some classroom management processes.


Main Subjects

Volume 77, Issue 77 - Serial Number 77
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
September 2020
Pages 2559-2703
  • Receive Date: 01 July 2020
  • Revise Date: 16 July 2020
  • Accept Date: 31 July 2020