Evaluating The Teachers Autism Spectrum Disorders Competencies According To The Standards of Council for Exceptional Children In a Jordanin Sample

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher in the field of special education - Jordan


     This main purpose of this study is to evaluate the teachers competencies specializing teaching autistic children, according to the standards adopted by The Council for Exceptional Children, and evaluating their professional Competencies, as well as assessing the various factors that contribute to their effectiveness such as gender, academic education, specialty, and years of experience . To achieve the study objectives, the researcher used  the  jordanian  version of  the professional standards scale adopted by the council for Exceptional Children, after  with sufficient eveidence validity. the scale consisted of (53) mems divided into (10) standards  which are: basis and rules, development of teachers and their distinctive characteristics ,individual educational differences, teaching strategies, learning environment and social interactions, language, teaching plans, assessment, professional and ethical  practices and cooperation                  
            The study sample, where stratified available sample of teachers who is working  with autism spectrum disorder in Jordan (n=348), representing both gender, working with for Governmental institutions and private centers in all provinces of the Kingdom of  Jordan ,covering all both  gender, academic educational ,specialization and years of experience .
Data analysised by using averages, standard deviations and AVOVA The standards of  professional and ethical practice was given high priority while that of teaching strategies came last . The results showed statistically significant differences at the level of  (α=0, 05) due to gender differences, and signal according to the favor of males, and the quiliat at who of personal in favor of the bachelor and post graduate degree. and  the speciality in special education versus general education.The study also showed statistical differences (α=0,05 ) comparing years of experience of  less than (3) years and from (3-7) years and above (7) years, to the distinct advantage of over (7) years.   The study recommend that more research study shoud be done regareding commadmit of  autism teachers hiering in jordan.

Main Subjects

Volume 45, Issue 45 - Serial Number 45
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
July 2016
Pages 303-347
  • Receive Date: 20 April 2016
  • Revise Date: 15 May 2016
  • Accept Date: 29 May 2016