The importance of time management among students in the preparatory year at public universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its relationship to academic achievement

Document Type : Original Article


Communication Skills Trainer, Department of Self-Development Skills - Preparatory Year Deanship, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia


he time of the most important factors in the success of the rights and bringing it to the top, and that if he could achieve whatever he wants and seeks to be completed on time ; The problem with the study in that it seeks to identify the degree of time management among students in the preparatory year at public universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the relationship to the collection school.
And that by answering the following key questions :
1 - What is the importance of time management among students in the preparatory year in Saudi universities from the perspective of the students?
2 - Are there obstacles ( wasting time) facing the preparatory year students in Saudi universities ?
The aim of this study is to identify the degree of compliance with the standards of time management among students in the preparatory year in Saudi universities from the perspective of students, identify the obstacles of time management and its impact on academic achievement.
The study tool was the researcher built questionnaire consisted of three areas, namely the field of planning , and the field of constraints of time, and the field of time management , and formed the questionnaire of 40 items, which were distributed to a sample of students at the University of Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Kharj , were used method observation and interview with the students is the fact that the planned action researcher coach in the preparatory year .
The researcher using descriptive survey method , which relies on the collection of studies related to time management , as well as electronic sources , books , periodicals , and letters MA and Ph.D. , and published research Arab and foreign countries , in the field of time management .
The results showed that in the field of planning and time management was the arithmetic mean ( 39.49 ) and the constraints of time ( 60.34 ) , while in the questions ( yes, no ) was the eighth paragraph highest percentage in terms of ( 84% ) , while the second paragraph was the lowest percentage in include ( Yes, No ), where the total (32%) .
The main recommendations of the study are:
After viewing all parts of the search and display the results, the researcher presented a number of recommendations that could be listed as follows: To provide training materials in the preparatory year to the content about time management, to educate students in the importance of time management and develop a plan to organize his time, and educate students Masqat time, including the mobile to be used in a manner Correct, conduct similar studies on time management among students in other colleges.


Main Subjects

Volume 38, Issue 38 - Serial Number 38
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
October 2014
Pages 221-250
  • Receive Date: 20 July 2014
  • Revise Date: 10 August 2014
  • Accept Date: 25 August 2014