Title: The Effect OF Training on some Mnemonic Strategies on Academic Achievement and Attitude towards the Material of Taif University Students with learning difficulties in Grammar

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Grammar and Morphology College of Education and Science in Al-Khurma Saudi Arabia

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology Taif College of Education Saudi Arabia

3 Assistant Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods College of Education and Science in Al-Khurma Saudi Arabia


           The present research aimed at identifying the effect  of training on some mnemonic strategies (rehearsal , practice and memory triggers ) on academic achievement and attitude towards the material of TaifUniversity students with learning difficulties in grammar. Twenty-four students were randomly distributed to three experimental groups, eight students for each group (rehearsal , practice and memory triggers ).
A test of grammatical rules and an attitude scale towards grammatical rules were utilized in the present research.
Results of the research revealed that students exposed to practice strategy performed better than their counterparts in the other two strategies (rehearsal and   memory triggers ) in the test of grammatical rules. However, students exposed to the rehearsal strategy and those exposed to memory triggers performed equally on the test of grammatical rules . The results also indicated that students exposed to rehearsal strategy  and those exposed to practice and memory triggers strategies performed equally in the attitude scale towards grammatical rules in the post-measurement, while students exposed to practice strategy performed better than their counterparts in memory triggers strategy in the attitude scale towards grammatical  .      


Main Subjects

Volume 37, Issue 37 - Serial Number 37
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
July 2014
Pages 175-230
  • Receive Date: 09 April 2014
  • Revise Date: 16 April 2014
  • Accept Date: 08 May 2014