vocational stage In light of the requirements of knowledge economy

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Social Studies, Faculty of Education, Mansoura University


The aim of the current research is to prepare a proposed conception of what is social studies Curricula supposed to be in the developed  vocational preparatory stage, including its elements (objectives, content, activities, evaluation methods) in light of the requirements of the orientation towards a knowledge economy; To achieve such goal, a list of requirements concerning the orientation towards a knowledge economy that should be available in social studies Curricula in the current vocational preparatory stage is prepared.
In addition to preparing a tool for analyzing the content of social studies Curricula in the vocational preparatory stage including the three grades in light of the requirements concerning the orientation towards a knowledge economy. Then turning the requirements into a set of indicators that can be considered as a basis through which to measure the availability of requirements in the current social studies Curricula in the vocational preparatory stage and finally coming to the proposed conception for the current social studies Curricula in the vocational preparatory stage, as the results of the research come to the following.
1-      The current social studies curricula in the vocational preparatory stage in general, with its elements (general objectives - content - teaching and learning activities - assessment methods) do not match the requirements of the orientation towards a knowledge economy.
2-      The degree to which social studies curricula meet the cognitive requirements is high in relation to the degree to which the curricula meet the other requirements. This may be due to the habit of curricula developers in Egypt and the Arab world to meet the cognitive requirements in particular for many years.
3-      The degree to which teaching and learning activities are matched as one of the components of social studies Curricula in the current vocational preparatory stage concerning the requirements of the orientation towards a knowledge economy comes first comparing to the extent other Curricula contents are matched   (general objectives (30.2%) - content (29.5%) – evaluation method (30%), as the relative weight of the degree of availability is about (34.7%).
4-      There is availability of the requirements of the orientation towards a knowledge economy in the proposed conception of social studies curricula in the current vocational preparatory stage of the requirements of the orientation, as it was found that the relative weight of the degree of availability of these requirements in each component of the proposed conception of the social studies Curricula exceeds 50% .


Main Subjects

Volume 83, Issue 83 - Serial Number 83
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
March 2021
Pages 115-209
  • Receive Date: 24 September 2020
  • Revise Date: 03 October 2020
  • Accept Date: 17 October 2020