University Staff Members' Vision of Creative Education Requirements "An Ethnographic Study"

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher of pedagogy College of Education - Kafr El Sheikh University


     Creative education has become a life necessity in the present century, characterized by the Multiplicity and diversity of its challenges, Which requires the need to identify the requirements of creative education and the obstacles to achieve and search for mechanisms to activate creative education and thus try to achieve through the institutions of socialization, To contribute to the achievement of creativity in all educational stages, with the aim of achieving community development, but this will be achieved only by the existence of a clear-cut educational policy that works to prepare and form the creative student, This is in addition to the development of curricula and create an appropriate climate and the development of teaching methods, activities, management and evaluation as key components of educational institutions operating under the umbrella of philosophy of education and philosophy of society. Therefore, the present study aimed to know the view of faculty members about the requirements of creative education from their point of view and mechanisms to activate it. The study used ethnographic method and in-depth interview as an appropriate tool.
Among the most important results of the study were the following:
1-     The ethnographic study confirmed the diversity of the sample members ’visions about the concept of creative education. To possess knowledge of his time, who is aware of the logic of history, who rejects fanaticism for his ideas that he believes in, who is able to choose between alternatives, who is able to conquer fear within him, who is able to curb his desires, who is able to fight injustice and ugliness, and who presents with courage and faith in the endorsement of higher ​​values Truth, goodness, beauty, freedom, responsibility, ambition, challenge, diversity, dialogue, flexibility, fluency, and critical thinking.
2-     the research confirm on the diversity of the sample's views on the mechanisms of activating creative education, as most of the sample members emphasized the importance of the environment that supports creativity in our educational institutions, the need for a comprehensive review of student programs, curricula, decisions and activities, and the need to choose creative educational leaders for our educational institutions.


Main Subjects

Volume 83, Issue 83 - Serial Number 83
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
March 2021
Pages 429-481
  • Receive Date: 29 September 2020
  • Revise Date: 08 October 2020
  • Accept Date: 20 October 2020