"The challenges of emotional education in the digital age from the Point of view of some faculty members in the faculties of education"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Pedagogy College of Education - Menoufia University

2 Teacher of pedagogy College of Education - Menoufia University


   The current study aimed to identify the challenges facing emotional education in the digital age by carefully describing these challenges from the point of view of faculty members in some faculties of education in Egyptian universities and presenting several proposed mechanisms and procedures that can be implemented in practice to confront them.
   The study used the descriptive method, because of its nature, using the questionnaire that was prepared, codified and applied to a sample of faculty members in some faculties of education in Egyptian universities to identify the most important challenges of emotional education in the digital age from their point of view. The study sample consisted of (117) faculty members, represented by (30%) of the original society of (390) members in the Foundations of Education, psychology, curriculum, teaching methods, and educational technology in (5) Tanta, Ashmoun, Banha and Kafr El-Sheikh.
    The study concluded that the challenges of emotional education in the digital age are: (weak social cohesion - electronic communication chaos - intellectual invasion - violence and electronic bullying - electronic addiction - the deterioration of moral values ​​- the shrinking role of educational institutions - the contradiction in the reception of educational knowledge - cultural alienation - Psychological Intervention) The study presented several procedural recommendations to overcome the challenges of emotional education in the digital age, meeting each of these challenges. It also recommended some proposed research, according to the results reached.


Main Subjects