Administrative Creativity in the field of Education in the intermediate stage in Jahra Governorate, Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article


Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Educational Management- Kuwait


The administrative innovation contributes to the development of the educational and educational process in the educational institutions. The roles and requirements of the workers in the field of education are multiplied and complicated in light of the rapid change and the requirements of the international respiratory system. This requires the educational staff to respond to these changes in a creative manner that ensures the survival of the institution and its continued productivity.
The problem of the study is determined in the following question: "What is the impact of the school work environment on achieving administrative innovation among the workers in the field of education in the schools of intermediate education in the Jahra region of Kuwait?"
The study aims to identify the reality of administrative creativity among the workers in the field of education (school director - supervisor of educational technician - teacher) schools of education in the middle Jahra State of Kuwait.
 The study used the descriptive method, and the use of a questionnaire on the administrative creativity of the workers in the field of education.
The current study limits were:
-      Human limits: The current study is limited to a random sample of 65 people.
-      Spatial boundaries: Field application was implemented in the Department of Middle Education of the Jahra Educational District.
-      Time limits: Field application was implemented during the second semester of 2013-2014.
The most important results of the study were: The high level of administrative innovation for the performance of workers in the field of education, with an average of (3.91), the highest areas of originality (4.12), and the lowest ability to analyze (3.69).