The Effectiveness of a Cognitive Behaviour Training Program in Improving Self-Perception Competence among Students with Reading Disabilities in Fifth

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Educational Psychology Assistant College of Education - University of Kafr El-Sheikh


Dr / Elsayed Ahmed Mahmoud Sakr
Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology Department
Faculty of Education -University of Kafr- El Sheikh
      The aim of the present research determined in the detection of the effectiveness of the cognitive behaviour training program in the improving of Self-Perception Competence of the Students with reading disabilities. The sample of this study was consisted of (16) male and female students enrolled in the 5rd year basic prep stage, they were divided into two groups; the experimental one (n= 8 male and female students), and a control group (n= 8 male and female students), The members of the sample have been diagnosed of  a total  sample of (515) pupils, with the  using of  a battery of tests and standards used in the diagnosis of Students with reading disabilities, and by using the Self-Perception Profile for Children (Grades 3-8), prepared by (Harter, 2012), Arabization by researcher. Results of administering the Self-Perception Profile for Children (Grades 3-8) indicated that there are significant differences between the mean ranks of the experimental group students’ scores and those of the control group students in the Self-Perception Profile for Children (Grades 3-8), in favor of the experimental group students. This research concluded that results of the statistical analysis uncovered the effectiveness of the training program used in developing Perceived Competence and subskills.


Volume 50, Issue 50
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
Pages 115-175
  • Receive Date: 08 October 2017
  • Revise Date: 08 October 2018
  • Accept Date: 08 October 2018