The Effect of the Position of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence on the Academic Resilience of Students Teachers at the Faculty of Education “A Comparative Study In the Light of the Constructivist Models of Causal Relationships”

Document Type : Original Article


1 Teacher of educational psychology Faculty of Education Mansoura University

2 Mental health teacher Director of the psychological counseling center College of Education - Mansoura University


The current research aimed at investigating the relationship between academic resilience and mindfulness factors before and after isolating the factors of emotional intelligence effect for students at the Faculty of Education in addition to the relationship between academic resilience and emotional intelligence factors before and after isolating the factors affecting mindfulness among the Faculty of Education students. The research also aimed at reaching the best of Goodness of Fit Indices and the strongest direct and indirect impact factors, depending on the location of the current research variables in the proposed constructivist models. The first model handles mindfulness (independent variable), emotional intelligence (mediating variable), and academic resilience (dependent variable). While the second model represents emotional intelligence (an independent variable), mindfulness (mediating variable), and academic resilience (dependent variable); thus, the best constructivist model for casual relations was identified. Research participants were (448) students at Mansoura Faculty of Education. The researchers used Partial Correlation, Structure Equation Modeling (SEM), and Path Analysis via AMOS V.22 software. Research results revealed the difference in the values ​​of the correlation coefficients between the factors of academic resilience and mindfulness before and after isolating the emotional intelligence factors among students of the Faculty of Education. Besides, the values ​​of the correlation coefficients when isolating the effect of mindfulness from the conjugal relationship between the variables of academic resilience and emotional intelligence are less than the values ​​of the correlation coefficients when isolating the emotional intelligence variable from the conjugative relationship between the variables of academic resilience and mindfulness. In addition, the first constructivist model obtained better Goodness of Fit Indices than the second model. By comparing the results of the proposed constructivist models, it is clear that the effect size of mindfulness on academic resilience in the first constructivist model (the total sample) was (33.06%), which is greater than the effect size of the second constructivist model, which was 10.30% (for the total sample), and 22.94% (for the female sample). This indicates that the effect of mindfulness on academic resilience is better when it is an independent variable than when it is a mediating variable. Moreover, the value of the direct effect of emotional intelligence on academic resilience was greater than the value of the indirect effect of emotional intelligence on academic resilience when mediated by the mindfulness variable.


Main Subjects

Volume 86, Issue 86 - Serial Number 86
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
June 2021
Pages 21-130
  • Receive Date: 10 December 2020
  • Revise Date: 01 January 2021
  • Accept Date: 14 January 2021