Promoting the A.R.E. Higher Education Competitiveness، as an Approach to Develop its Institutions' Rankings among World Class Universities

Document Type : Original Article


1    Professor of Fundamentals of Assistant Education - Faculty of Education - Menoufia University

2 Doctor of Philosophy in Education - Specialization of Comparative Education and Educational Management - Senior Teacher in Secondary Education - Ministry of Education - Egypt


      The current study aimed to exploit the entrance of enhancing the competitiveness of Egyptian higher education in order to develop the reality of its institutions in the international rankings of universities by monitoring the competitiveness of Egyptian higher education globally and the current reality of its institutions to classify the elite of international universities. The study used analytical descriptive methods to describe and analyze the competitiveness of higher education, the rankings of the international elite universities, their relationship, as well as the analysis of the competitive reality and the institutions of education Higher Egyptian elite universities in the world rankings, through the results of reports and data available, and the results of previous studies. The study found several important results that indicate the weakness of the abilities and abilities of Egyptian higher education to meet the global competitiveness standards, to reach its institutions to an appropriate position in the rankings of the international universities elite. The study also found a number of opportunities and factors in Egyptian reality that can be strengthened as a framework for competitiveness in education Higher. The study presented several important recommendations to enhance the competitiveness of Egyptian higher education, including improving Egypt's ranking on the World Bank report by building the branches of international universities in Egypt, improving the business reality, providing job opportunities for graduates, improving Egypt's economic freedom index, Transparency of the world, and the independence of institutions of higher education in all its aspects, including issues of academic freedom, improving the quality of public education, raising the budget of scientific research, and improving the reality of Egypt on the index of the network readiness to enhance their access to knowledge. And the internationalization of the teaching staff and students, in addition to benefiting from the geographical location of Egypt commercially, politically and socially, and based on promotion to higher academic degrees on what is known as the H indicator. And finally the establishment of the "classification of Arab universities", taking advantage of the classification of the universities of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation.


Volume 53, Issue 53
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
Pages 327-412
  • Receive Date: 17 October 2018
  • Accept Date: 17 October 2018