Educational implications within Christian religious discourse issues in the Coptic press (An analytical study)

Document Type : Original Article


pedagogy teacher Faculty of Education - Fayoum University


The research aimed to find out the Educational implications in Christian religious discourse issues in the Coptic press (Watani Newspaper - The Evangelism Magazine) issued by the official Coptic Foundation, represented in the writings of Pope Tawadros II and His Excellency Anba Musa, Bishop of the Youth, and the informal discourse represented in the writings of Yusef Sidhum and Rasmy Abd al-Malik, during the period From 1/11/2019 to 29/11/2020. The two researchers relied on the descriptive method, discourse analysis method, and qualitative content analysis. The researchers concluded that the issues of Christian religious discourse in Coptic newspapers (the sample of the research) included a set of educational implications, including: (1) the importance of role models, whether for parents or the servant of the Church or the official in the government, (2) the emphasis on true citizenship and keeping away from the social conflict within the Christian religion or with Muslims, (3) the emphasis on democracy and foundations Democratic behavior, (4) reforming educational systems, (5) establishing the rules of positive education and raising awareness, as well as (6) the guided educational philosophy.  dimensions of this educational philosophy can be drawn from the speech of Pope Tawadros and that of Anba Musa, which emphasizes the development of the integrated human personality and equal opportunities, and changing the mental image of women in the content of the curricula at the educational stages to be in line with the privileged position of women at the present time. In addition, it placed an emphasis on  opposing all forms of violence against women, adopting the scientific method, the role of dialogue as an educational strategy that contributes to achieving openness to others,  as well as highlighting the importance of renewing religious discourse, life applications and their role in developing the spirit of research among youth through  emphasizing its importance for young people to reach the right thinking and constructive decision-making with the power of argument and the realization of reason.


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