Digital requirements for developing kindergarten teachers in the developed Egyptian education system 2.0 in the light of some global experiences

Document Type : Original Article


Research Doctor National Center for Educational Research and Development


The current study aimed to reach the necessary digital requirements for the development of kindergarten teachers in the developed Egyptian education system 2.0 in the light of some global experiences; As many countries of the world have witnessed the great development and spread of digital transformation technologies in many fields, especially education. Egypt has paid great attention to the kindergarten stage and its development as one of the most important and dangerous stages in human life growth. The Ministry of Education has developed an educational system for the kindergarten stage called the Advanced Egyptian Education System 2.0 to address the shortcomings in the traditional curriculum that led to the low level of learning outcomes, The weakness of keeping up with Global developments and late Egypt's world ranking in education. The new developed system 2.0 enables the individual with the skills and values ​​of life in the twenty-first century to be more competitive, integrating information and communication technology into the curriculum, qualifying the learner to study and work in a changing world in which knowledge is multiplying rapidly, also to support digital culture and technological literacy. The idea of ​​the current study came to get acquainted with some global experiences in this framework in order to identify the necessary digital requirements for the development of kindergarten teachers as they are the cornerstone for the educational process success and for their effective role in achieving the desired educational goals. Also, to provide these requirements for those who apply the advanced education system 2.0 and overcome the challenges of its application. The study used the descriptive approach to define the conceptual framework of the developed education system 2.0, as well as to describe the reality of the kindergarten teacher in the developed education system, and to know the opinions of a group of professors, educational experts, educational leaders, kindergarten teachers, and parents regarding the digital requirements needed to be provided to the kindergarten teacher. The study was applied to a group of professors of early childhood education colleges in Egyptian universities, experts in research centers and kindergarten teachers in public schools in the governorates of Cairo, Alexandria, Beheira, Suez and Sharkia, Gharbia and a group kindergarten parents. The study reached a set of necessary digital requirements for the development of kindergarten teachers in the Egyptian education system 2.0 which has been categorized into requirements for the training and qualification of kindergarten teachers, requirements for digital infrastructure at schools, requirements for the role of teachers in the classroom, requirements for academic curricula, and requirements for cooperation between parents and teachers.


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