A Suggested Program in Earth and Space Sciences based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for Developing Design Thinking and Some Engineering Habits of Mind Among Preparatory Stage Students

Document Type : Original Article


Curriculum and science teacher Faculty of Education - Assiut University


     The present research aimed at identifying the effect of a suggested program in space sciences based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in developing design thinking and some engineering habits of mind among preparatory stage students. The research group consisted of 30 second year prep stage students in Al- Khaireya Islamic school for boys in Assiut instructional directorate. The research tools were; the suggested program including the teacher's guide for teaching the topics of the program, work sheets for students, a design thinking test, and a scale of some engineering habits of mind. The research results proved the effect of the suggested program in developing design thinking and some engineering habits of mind among the research group. Also, the research results assured the existence of a correlation between developing design thinking and the engineering habits of mind among the research group. The research recommended the necessity of including the next generation science standards (NGSS) in the different instructional stages beginning with kindergarten till grade twelve, and also attracting the attention of teachers to the importance of developing design thinking and the 


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