Professional roles of teacher’s syndicate An Analytical study and a critical perspective

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor in the Department of Education Faculty of Education - Alexandria University


The aim of the study is to identify the genesis and development of the teacher’s syndicate; Globally, locally; To get to know its professional roles.  The researcher followed in the study both Descriptive,and historical approaches; To reveal the pattern of development of these trade unions and the implications of each pattern of development for the teacher's professional position; In addition to analysing the reality of the teacher’s syndicate, and criticizing it in Egyptian society within its context: historical and societal; To know why the teacher’s syndicate is weak in its professional roles. The study concluded that career upgrading and teacher status: Social and professional,  the teacher need to practise their professional roles given by teacher’s syndicate in cooperation with the institutions for their preparation and development; Such teacher’s syndicate - at the local level - need a broader community vision, which seeks social justice within the framework of social change; The partnership between all parties involved in teacher matters (the Ministry of Education and teacher’s syndicate is represented by teachers, the teacher's professional academy, school owners and colleges of education); to develop a new teacher’s syndicate agenda which identify the profession; Such agenda would include professional, political, economic, cultural, social and integrative teacher’s syndicate roles; as main vocational training for the teacher; preparation,  and development.


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