Organizing the Relation between University Research Products and Beneficial Returns: A Suggested Administrative Mechanism.

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor in Educational Management and Planning University of Taiba - Madinah - Saudi Arabia


This study dealt with the relationship between University Research Product and the Private Sector (i.e. social and business societies, later on they are referred to as the Industry).
The study main objective is to focus on the shortage in utilizing the mission of universities in a positive and effective way. Uncover constraints that hinder the utilization of Universities Research Products, and the ways to overcome them. Enhance the relation between University and Industry, and make such relation stronger.
The study used the discreptive-analytical approach to attain study objectives. And arrived to uncover a number of constraints (impediments), the important ones are:
No ties between university research product and the industry; Infrastructure is needed for research activities; Low level in innovation and excellence for research product quality; Scares budgeting and financing for research activities; Marketing of research product.
The study yielded important requirements strengthening its aim, some are:
To establish a long term plan dealing with the cooperation between Industry and University; a need to establish a strategy for scientific research; to establish a plan to upgrade the relation between university and Industry; to establish a centre for the community`s (society) welfare; to decide on the issue to give away prizes to innovative researches and those of excellence; to encourage Business Incubators, and Scientific Chairs, and Scientific Publishing.
Study method followed the Documentary Approach, handling study subjects through published literature relating to study problems and objectives.
Study results were analyzed to extract issues and recommendations assisting the study problem; and answering its question to fulfill its aims.
The study suggested an administrative mechanism that ties up Industry with University to guarantee that industry is benefitting from university`s scientific research, and at the same time fulfilling Community`s requirements.


Volume 54, Issue 54
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
Pages 171-217
  • Receive Date: 04 November 2018
  • Accept Date: 04 November 2018