" A proposed Vision For Educating People With Special Needs in Light of The Egyptian State’s Tendency to Benefit From Digital Technologies "

Document Type : Original Article


He holds a PhD - Department of Foundations of Education (Special Education) Faculty of Education - Sohag University


The world has recently sought to adopt a policy of digital transformation in various fields, but in the field of people with special needs, digital technologies have a special importance in facilitating their lives and contributing seriously and strongly to their education and education, and this is evident in the interest of the information and communication technology sector in Egypt, which adopts the latest technologies In the field of information and communication technology, which in turn contributes to finding solutions to life issues, in particular the sector of people with special needs, as they are a group in need of support and care.
The Egyptian state cares about the issue of disability and people with special needs, and works to provide them with appropriate care, and directs the need for all state agencies to integrate and direct all efforts in cooperation with civil society organizations and the private sector to confront this issue as a societal issue that needs to be confronted, and this appears in the multiple conferences organized by the state And Egyptian universities on making use of modern digital technologies in the field of people with special needs.
The current study aimed to take advantage of modern digital technologies in raising and educating people with special needs in Egypt, by developing their education in special education schools, and empowering them digitally, in line with the global and local digital trend. The importance of the current study also emerged in providing attention and assistance to the disabled under the umbrella of Digital Egypt, not only from a human perspective, but from a social, economic and educational perspective as well. In this study, the researcher used the descriptive approach and factor analysis form in order to collect and analyze information about the subject of the study.
At the end of this study, the researcher presented a vision for the education of people with special needs to take advantage of modern digital technologies, through; Identifying the reality of raising and educating people with special needs in light of the digital development that is now invading the world, and then monitoring their needs for assistive digital technologies, emphasizing this in the media, allocating the necessary budgets for implementation, training the human cadres that implement this project and overcoming the obstacles that may appear during implementation. This is in order for this category to benefit from the current global technical development in a way that alleviates the severity of their disabilities and facilitates the process of their education in a good manner.


Main Subjects

Volume 89, Issue 89 - Serial Number 89
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
September 2021
Pages 1305-1348
  • Receive Date: 04 August 2021
  • Accept Date: 04 August 2021