A Suggested interactive e-course in science teaching methods to develop e-teaching skills and design an e-Portfolio for student Teachers at the Faculty of Education

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Curriculum and Instruction Department College of Education - New Valley University


The research aimed to investigate the effect of an interactive electronic course in science teaching methods to develop skills of E-teaching and E-Portfolio design for biology teacher-students at the faculty of Education. To achieve this goal, the Science Teaching Methods course for the fourth year was chosen and presented in an interactive electronic form, and the research sample consisted of (56 students) represent students of the fourth year, Biology Division, Faculty of Education, New Valley University. The instruments included (1) an electronically designed science teaching methodology course (2) a list of E-teaching skills for science, (3) a list of skills for designing an E-Portfolio, (4) an achievement test for E-teaching skills for science, (5) a note card for E-teaching skills for science, (6) an E-Portfolio assessment card. The instruments were applied to the research group before and after teaching the course. Appropriate statistical methods were used to calculate the differences in the mean scores between the pre- and post- application. the results of the research showed statistically significant differences in the mean scores of the students between the pre- and post-applications in each of the achievement test of E-teaching skills for science, a note card for E-teaching skills for science, and an E-Portfolio evaluation card for the post-application.


Main Subjects

Volume 91, Issue 91 - Serial Number 91
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
November 2021
Pages 565-624
  • Receive Date: 20 May 2021
  • Revise Date: 01 June 2021
  • Accept Date: 10 June 2021