Evaluation of the Institutional Performance of the Faculties of Education in Upper Egypt Governorates in light of the Quality Circles Style

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher of Education, Faculty of Education, Aswan University


The present study aimed at investigating the nature of the institutional performance evaluation, its main objectives, and the criteria and indicators of evaluating the institutional performance. Also, the present study is an attempt to identify the reasons and justifications of evaluating the performance of the Faculties of Education in Upper Egypt,to study the quality circles including its objectives and stages, the methods used by the quality circles team to solve the Faculties of Education problems, and to develop a vision to activate the role of the suggested quality circles team in evaluating the institutional performance of the Faculties of Education in Upper Egypt. The studywas applied in three Faculties of Education in Upper Egypt, and used the descriptive approach to achieve its objectives. The researcher used a number of tools and methods, including a brainstorming based questionnaire, presented to the study participants,which explored the problems faced by theirfaculties, and a questionnaire to identify the reality of the Faculties of Education performance in the Upper Egypt governorates exploring the problems they face and some methods used by quality circles team in solving problems.Tools of the present study were applied to a sample of faculty members and theirassistants in addition to some of the members of the quality team in each faculty (n=170).The findings of the study can be summarized as follows:
-    There is an intermediate interest in integratingthe activities and the faculty's mission and objectives.
-    Manyfaculties are interested in providing the training needs of employees on a regular basis.
-    There is some interest from the faculty administration to meet the needs of students and their wishes and other institutions.
-    There is an urgent need to establishcrisis and disaster management units.
-    Faculty members need to know the philosophy of the academic guidance system.
-    Lack of faculty members’motivation and effectiveness in carrying out scientific research.
-    Lack of students’ motivation to study and their negative attitudes towards the study environment.
-    Many faculties have the ability to increase their potential and resources in partnership with other institutions such as the Ministry of Education.
-    The educational structure and buildings are not suitable for the number of students.
-    There is a gap in the special nature units’role in helping the university to carry out its mission both in the field of student education and training.
In light of the findings of the presentstudy, and the clarification of the most important problems facing the faculties of education in Upper Egypt, the study, in the last part,presented aperception to help the quality circles team in finding solutions to those problems and try to improve the performance of these faculties.

Volume 53, Issue 53
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
Pages 19-132
  • Receive Date: 09 December 2018
  • Accept Date: 09 December 2018