The effectiveness of a program psychomotor in developing spatial perception skills for visually impaired children with intellectual disability

Document Type : Original Article


1 teacher of visual impairment, Faculty of Special Needs Sciences, Beni Suef University

2 mental disability teacher Faculty of Science for People with Special Needs, Beni Suef University


               The aim of the research is to verify the effectiveness of psychomotor program in developing spatial perception for visually impaired children with intellectual disabilities. The sample Formed of seven children with visually impaired and intellectual disabilities (60-68) IQ . The research sample is an intended sample from a multi-disability Class of “Al-Noor “School for the Blind in Beni Suef Governorate, researchers used the quasi-experimental approach with one experimental group, case study method with pre- and post-test, using Stanford bient Intelligence Test, the fifth addition , the verbal domain (prepared by / Abu El-Nile, Taha, Abdel-Sami’, 2013), the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (prepared by Faraj, Ramzy, 2005), the spatial perception test, and the psychomotor program prepared by researchers, the results revealed statistically significant differences at the level of significance (01, 0) between the mean ranks of the scores of children with visual impairment and intellectual disabilities in both the pre and post test on the spatial perception test , and there are no statistically significant differences between the mean Arrange the scores of the experimental group in the post and follow-up measurements, which confirms the effectiveness of the psychomotor program in developing the spatial perception skills of the sample members.


Main Subjects

Volume 93, Issue 93 - Serial Number 93
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
January 2022
Pages 533-582
  • Receive Date: 27 September 2021
  • Revise Date: 08 October 2021
  • Accept Date: 17 October 2021