The Effect of Applying the Blended Learning Strategy in teaching of Mechanism Applications Statistics Course on The Skills Development of The Statistical Analysis Using SPSS program and The Achievement Of Second Level students of The Faculty of Media at October 6 University and Their Attitudes Towards the Blended Learning

Document Type : Original Article


Curriculum and Instruction Department-Faculty of Education-October 6 University


This study aimed to identify the impact of using the blended learning strategy to teach mechanism applications in the statistical course to develop statistical analysis skills using program SPSS and  measure the achievement of Second-level students at the Faculty of Media at October 6 University and their attitudes toward it.
To achieve this objective, The researcher used the descriptive analytical and experimental approach. The study sample consists of (60) student in two groups: one of which was the experimental group (30) student, use to the blended learning strategy while the second was the control (30) student group use to Traditional method
The study used the following tools: the achievement test, performance note card  statistical analysis skills and the measurement of attitude towards blended learning.
The study concluded a set of results: there is  statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in  post-test  for   in the achievement test, as well as performance note card and in the measurement of attitude towards blended learning strategy. for the pilot group < /p>


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