A Proposed Model for Institutional Maturity in Egyptian Universities in the Light of International Experiences

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Comparative Education and Educational Administration - College of Education - Al-Arish University


               The present study aimed at designing a proposed model for institutional maturity in Egyptian universities in the light of international experiences. The descriptive design was used in this study. The results obtained include: offering a decent life for the Egyptian citizens, and multiple efforts have been made to achieve educational, research, societal, digital and leadership maturity in Egyptian universities. Furthermore, the study revealed that there are some challenges that face the Egyptian universities in terms of  impeding the  achievement of  institutional maturity, including: the inadequacy of financial resources allocated to universities, the lack of the culture related to strategic performance management, and weak job stability for employees in administrative and academic positions. Finally, in the light of the above mentioned results, the proposed model has been designed to include effective values, aims, significance, standards, levels and the challenges that amped the application the proposed model and ways to confront them.


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