The Effectiveness of an Eclectic Counseling Program in Reducing Covid -19 Related Anxiety in A Sample of Adolescents.

Document Type : Original Article


Mental Health and Special Education, Faculty of Education, Benha University. Egypt


         The current research aimed at investigating the effectiveness of an  eclectic counseling program in reducing covid – 19 related anxiety in a sample of adolescents. The research sample consisted of ten (10) Students  from adolescents who suffer from covid – 19 related anxiety. The ages of the sample ranged from (14-15) years, with a mean age of (14.300) years, and a standard deviation (0.4830). The sample was divided into two groups: an experimental group of five students (2 males - 3 females), and a control group of five students (2 males - 3 females). The researcher used Wechsler-Bellevue scale - Intelligence scale for Adults and Adolescents (translated and conducted by Ismael and Malika, 1996), covid – 19 related anxiety scale (prebared by the  researcher), and an eclectic counseling program in reducing covid – 19  related anxiety among adolescents (prebared by the researcher), The results of the research indicated the effectiveness of the eclectic counseling program in reducing covid – 19 related anxiety among adolescents and its continued effectiveness in reducing covid – 19 related anxiety after the  follow-up period (three months as a follow-up), as there were a significant statistical differences (0.01) between the mean ranks scores of the experimental group and the mean ranks scores of the control group in covid – 19 related anxiety scale after the application of the counseling program, favoring the experimental group, also there were a significant statistical differences (0.01) between the mean ranks scores of the experimental group in pre and post assessment on covid – 19 related anxiety scale, favoring the post assessment, but there were no significant statistical differences between the mean ranks scores of the experimental group in post and follow-up assessment (after three months), on covid – 19 related anxiety scale.


Main Subjects