The study aimed at identifying the contents of the moral education derived from Surat Al-Hujurat to benefit from its educational applications in changing circumstances, and the number of the researcher has been increased in the curriculum.

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Foundations of Education Faculty of Education - Sohag University - Egypt


The researcher reached a set of results, the most important of which are:

The Holy Qur’an is a comprehensive and integrated educational and moral system for all aspects of life, according to the application of its contents in real life.
Surat Al-Hujurat contains many ethical implications and educational methods.
Surat Al-Hujurat lays out mass procedural solutions for some media campaigns on the knowledge society.
Al-Hujarat thesis presents some common and scientific ideas in light of the spread of manifestations of globalization, the value of respecting the elderly and stakeholders and the dignity in society, realizing the principle of social responsibility of society’s institutions in raising young people, and prohibiting mistrust and backbiting, and the emergence of social differences.
Surat Al-Hujurat sets an educational methodology to confront positive modernity. Watching those values ​​follow their values ​​in calling for individuality, reflection, and giving priority to the personal over the public interest.

Surat Al-Hujurat faces some aspects that are widespread in the current errors, such as the phenomenon of wasta and nepotism, and the phenomenon of formal religiosity.


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