the degree of dogmatism and its relation to borderline personality disorder among secondary school students in Qalwa governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Master of Psychology Counseling


The study aimed to identify the degree of dogmatism and its relation to borderline personality disorder among secondary school students in Qalwa governorate. To achieve this goal, the study followed the descriptive method in its correlative form. The validity and consistency of the measure were verified: the scale of Rochic's dogmatism (codification: Khoj, 2008)& the list of the symptoms of the borderline personality disorder (codification: Abu Zeid, 2017), and applied to the sample of the study (305) students from secondary school in the province of Qalw. Using the appropriate statistical methods, the study found that the level of intellectual immobility among secondary school students in Qalwa governorate was (medium) with mean 3.81 and standard deviation of 1.09, while the symptoms of borderline personality disorder were low with mean 2.24, and standard deviation of 1.21, the results also showed a positive correlation and function at the level )α ≤ 0.05( between dogmatism and borderline personality disorder, thus there were statistically significant differences at the level)α ≤ 0.05( between high and low dogmatism in the symptoms of borderline personality disorder in favor of high dogmatism, And the degree of borderline personality disorder symptoms can be predicted through dogmatism (dimensions and total degree.