A comparison between factorial models of the academic emotion scale structure for university students during the hybrid learning of the assessment and evaluation course

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Psychology - College of Education in Ismailia - Suez Canal University - Arab Republic of Egypt


As a result of the pressures of e-learning and the negative effects caused by the Corona pandemic in causing psychological and educational disorders and problems, the study aimed to reveal the global structure of the academic emotions scale in the statistics course for university students, verifying the supposed structure of academic emotions as assumed by Pekurn et al. (2005), and the comparison between two factor models that reflect the construction of academic emotions (the two factors model, the general factor model, the seven related factors model, the binary seven factors model), verifying the internal consistency of positive and negative academic emotions, and determining the level of positive and negative academic emotions among students. The university during hybrid learning, a snowball sample was obtained online from the students of the Faculty of Education at Suez Canal University for the undergraduate stage, by submitting the scales on the Google Form and it was sent to the students’ groups at the undergraduate level, the scale was applied to the number (356) male and female students It varied according to gender to the number (13.5%) of males, and the number (86.5) of females, and their ages ranged in the range from)18) to (20), According to the university educational level, the first year’s year was 15%, the third year’s rate was 14.8%, and the fourth year’s level was 70.2%. As for the assessment in the last academic year, it was excellent with a rate of (9.6%), and the number was very good with a rate of (59.3%). ), good (28.4%), acceptable (2.5%),Data were analyzed using SPSS (26) and MPLUS (7). ) for (Muthen & Muthen, 1998, 2012) to perform the confirmatory factor analysis. In this program, the estimation method was used, the maximum probability method, and the results resulted in the scale items enjoying a good degree of internal consistency and high alpha coefficients of dimensions indicating confidence in the findings of the scale. The confirmatory factor analysis of the vocabulary showed the good-matching indicators: chi-squared = 965.603, df = 436, p = 0.00, RMSEA = 0.059, TLI = 0.90, and CFI = 0.91. Accordingly, the model has an acceptable and appropriate matching. The results showed that the relationship between pleasure, hope and pride is closely related. Positive and statistically significant at 0.01, and the size of the relationship between them is large, and boredom was negatively related to pleasure, hope and pride at 0.01,
The results of the study were discussed in the light of what was shown by the confirmatory factor analysis model of the eight associated factors that are more identical to the data in light of all the matching indicators, which confirms the superiority of the model over the rest of the models.


Main Subjects