Research title: The degree to which student teachers at the Department of Islamic Culture at the University of Hail are able to apply the necessary Tajweed rulings from their point of view

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods - College of Education - University of Hail - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The aim of the research: To know the degree to which students teachers at the  Department of Islamic Culture at the University of Hail are able to master the intonation rulings related to (the rulings of the nun consonants and the tanween – the rulings of the extended – the letters’ exits and their attributes – the rulings of the consonant meem – the emphatic rulings on the meme and the nun – the emphatic rulings on the meme and the nun – the provisions of the metonymy ha necessary for them from their point of view, To achieve the aim of the research: the researcher used the descriptive approach, and designed a questionnaire tool for that. The research used a number of statistical methods and treatments to reach the results of the research, including: frequencies, percentages, arithmetic averages, standard deviation, Alpha Cronbach coefficient, and ranks for the responses of the research sample members. The research reached a number of results, the most important of which are: In the first axis, the phrase (I am able well to differentiate between the static nun and the tanween) came in the first place in terms of mastery, and in the second axis came in the first place in terms of mastery, the phrase (I can differentiate between the original and sub-tide) and in the third axis it came in the first place in terms of Empowerment (I have sufficient ability to distinguish between the articulation of the letter Dhaad and the articulation of the letter za’) and in the fourth axis, it came in first place in terms of mastery (I know the static sound easily) In the fifth axis, the phrase (I can apply the sung in the stressed n and meme) ranked first in terms of mastery, and in the sixth axis came the first rank in terms of mastery by the phrase (I have the ability to distinguish between the metonymy and the original haa). The study recommended the following: the need for student-teachers to participate in advanced training courses in the provisions of recitation and intonation, the necessity of taking full care of the practical aspect of teaching intonation, focusing on the basic provisions in recitation and intonation, as well as designing an educational program for student teachers during their studies to help them master the provisions of recitation and intonation.


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