Developing Egyptian University Crises Management Units in the light of the Strategic Intelligence Approach (Assiut University as a model)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Fundamentals of Education - Faculty of Education - Assiut University - Arab Republic of Egypt

2 Department of Comparative Education and Educational Administration - Faculty of Education - Assiut University - Arab Republic of Egypt


   Strategic intelligence is associated with a distinct type of mental abilities and basic skills that individuals، especially leaders، need، which allows them to think comprehensively and systemically regarding their institution future.the aim of the current paper is to identify the reality of practicing strategic Intelligence dimensions among staff and administrators in crisis management units at Assiut university .Also، the current paper has attemped to come up with a suggested proposal to develop crisis management units in Egyptian universities (Assiut University as a model) in the light of strategic intelligence approach. The current research has used the descriptive approach، and the study tool is represented in a questionnaire consisting of five axes (foresight; prospective vision; systems thinking; motivation; partnerships and alliances)، and it is applied on a representative sample from crisis and disaster units boards of directors from faculty members (n = 36) and administrators (n = 21) in some theoretical and practical faculties at Assiut University. The results of the study have revealed that the degree of practicing strategic intelligence dimensions as a whole came with a medium degree for both staff and administrators with relative weight (، 64 / ، 55) respectively. As for the sample of staff، the first dimension "Foresight the future" ranked first with a medium degree and a relative weight (، 69)، while the second dimension "peospective vision" came in the last rank with a medium degree and a relative weight (، 59) . As for the administrators sample، the fourth dimension "Motivation" came in the first rank with a medium degree and a relative weight (، 62)، and the second dimension "prospective Vision" came in the last rank with a medium degree and a relative weight (، 50). In the light of literature review and field study findings، the current study presented a suggested proposal to develop crisis management units in Egyptian universities (Assiut University as a model) in the light of the strategic intelligence approach.


Volume 107, Issue 107 - Serial Number 107
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
March 2023
Pages 511-599
  • Receive Date: 08 January 2023
  • Revise Date: 25 January 2023
  • Accept Date: 29 January 2023