To employ some mobile applications in distance training to develop the skills of using live broadcast sites in teaching staff members

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Assistive Technology Education            Faculty of Education - Sohag University


Today, the world is witnessing a technological and technical revolution that has imposed itself on the nature of life; it has contributed to a change in the way of life and institutional work in various fields. It is therefore incumbent on those interested in the educational process to search for the best ways to improve the educational and training process and to adapt it to the pattern of progress.
This is why the world is accelerating today to discover modern technologies and employ them to optimize employment in the educational and training process, especially in university education. Universities, according to Fathallah (2012), which have no modern technology, become a body without spirit. Become a body without feet ..
The great advances in information and communication technology that we are witnessing today drive for comprehensive change in all aspects of life, especially education. The current development has revolutionized knowledge, which is difficult to predict and accurately change. (Abdulaziz, 2012)
It is well known that the acquisition of the skills of using video broadcast sites in the teaching requires the use of advanced technology and easy to use so that these skills can be acquired and mastery; this requires the selection of the best methods, methods and techniques for learning and training, and therefore the study of: (Abdel-Ata, 2007; 2009 to the importance of the use of mobile applications in distance training and employ them Optimal recruitment in the learning of modern technical skills can also be used in the field of education and training, so the current research sought to identify the effectiveness of the application of mobile applications in distance training to develop the skills of using direct broadcast sites Bad teaching in faculty members.

Volume 59, Issue 59 - Serial Number 59
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
Pages 641-667
  • Receive Date: 06 May 2019
  • Accept Date: 06 May 2019