The role of the student mentor in discovering and developing talent among students in Makkah Al-Mukarramah in the light of some demographic variables

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor - Department of Psychology, specializing in psychological counseling - College of Education at Umm Al-Qura University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The study aimed to reveal the role of the student mentor in discovering and developing talent among students in the city of Mecca. To achieve the goal of the study, the descriptive method was used, and the scale of the role of the psychologist in discovering and developing talent (prepared by Hussein et al., 2022) was used as a tool for the study, after verification. It is applicable to the current study sample; The study reached (177) of the student mentors at the secondary level in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, and the study found that the role of the student mentor in the psychological dimension is high, while it was medium in the professional and social dimensions. The study also found that there were statistically significant differences between the responses of male and female mentors on the three dimensions of the scale and their sum according to the variables of gender and experience, where the differences came in favor of the mentors, and in favor of those with more than 10 years of experience, while the differences came according to the qualification variable, in favor of those who hold a master’s or doctorate. I


Main Subjects

Volume 119, Issue 119 - Serial Number 119
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
March 2024
Pages 1041-1087
  • Receive Date: 26 November 2023
  • Revise Date: 12 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 12 December 2023