Emotional chemistry as a predictive indicator of psychological fitness ‎in administrative and technical work among employees of King Khalid ‎University in Abha

Document Type : Original Article




The current research aimed to identify emotional chemistry as a predictive indicator of psychological fitness in administrative and technical work among employees of King Khalid University in Abha. Knowing the level of emotional chemistry and psychological fitness, and the nature of the relationship between them; Identifying the significance of the differences on the scales of emotional chemistry and psychological fitness according to academic qualification and gender and identifying the possibility of predicting psychological fitness through emotional chemistry. To achieve the research objectives, the emotional chemistry scale was used, prepared by (Dawoud, 2022), consisting of (20) statements, and for psychological fitness, the scale (Muhammad, Hassan, and Abdel Zahra, 2022), consisting of (60) statements, was used, and it was applied to a sample consisting of (111) males and females, with ages ranging between (30-56) years. To analyze the research results, the Crew-Nbach alpha equation, the Pearson correlation coefficient, the mean and standard deviation, the relative weight, the one-sample t-test, one-way analysis of variance were used to determine the significance of the differences in the level of variables among the sample members, and linear regression analysis to determine the predictive value. The results of the research resulted in a high level of emotional chemistry and psychological fitness among those working in administrative and technical work at King Khalid University in Abha. There is also a positive correlation between emotional chemistry and psychological fitness. There are also no differences in emotional chemistry and psychological fitness among the research sample according to academic qualification and the presence of... Differences due to gender in favor of males. Emotional chemistry is also a predictive indicator of psychological fitness. The research came out with a set of recommendations and proposed research.


Main Subjects

Volume 120, Issue 120 - Serial Number 120
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
April 2024
Pages 613-649
  • Receive Date: 19 December 2023
  • Revise Date: 26 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 27 December 2023