‎: a proposed program based on the psychological- Historical ‎approach for developing wisdom-based thinking skills and ‎psychological and historical identities among Faculty of Education ‎students.‎

Document Type : Original Article


قسم المناهج وطرق التدريس- كلية التربية- جامعة الفيوم


The research problem  represented in the weaknesd of wisedom-based thinking skills among Faculty of Education students as well as the weakness of their psychological and historical identities.
The research aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a proposed program  based on the psychological- Historical approach in developing the wisdom-based thinking skills and psychological and historical identities among the Faculty of Education students.
The research used both the descriptive approach to present the theoretical framework and build research tools, and the experimental approach to the design  the research experiment. The experimental design of the research included one group of (55) male and female students from the fourth year of general education at the Faculty of Education - Fayoum University (History and Psychology sections).
The research tools included the student teacher’s book in the proposed program, the university teacher’s guide (faculty staff member), a  wisdom-based thinking skills test, and two scales of psychological identity and historical identity, then the research experiment was conducted, and the results were statistically calculated and interpreted.
The research results revealed the effectiveness of the proposed program based on the psychological-historical approach in developing wisdom- based thinking skills  and the psychological and historical identities of the Faculty of Education students, and the existence of a positive direct relationship between developing the thinking skills based on wisdom and the psychological and historical identities among  the research group students.
 Accordingly, the research presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which were: encouraging teachers of psychology and history to use the psychological-historical approach in teaching because it provides a comprehensive interpretation of all topics of psychology and history, helps them participate, compete, and converse, and develops many techniques for selecting psychological and historical sources, and many higher thinking skills, The development of psychological and historical identities should be one of the direct or indirect goals of teacher preparation programs in Colleges of Education,  Psychology and History specializations.
The research suggestions included: a proposed unit based on the psychological-historical approach for developing imaginative thinking skills and cognitive balance among secondary school students, using the psychological-historical approach in teaching psychology and history for developing psychological and historical awareness comprehension  among  psychology and history student teachers in faculties of education. 


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