Employing professional practice researches to support the shift towards the ‎learning organization model in Egyptian schools:‎ ‎ A future Vision

Document Type : Original Article


کلية التربية، جامعة قناة السويس


The research aims to present a future vision to support the shift towards the learning organization model in Egyptian schools, by benefiting from employing professional practice research, taking into account the nature of the cultural context of Egyptian schools, and in accordance with the opinions of a number of experts and specialists in the principles of education and educational planning, based on the analysis of the theoretical framework of the research, in addition to for an analytical study on the reality of the learning organization in Egyptian schools. To achieve this, the research employed the descriptive approach to collect information related to professional practice research and its contributions to supporting the shift towards the learning organization model, in addition to employing one of the methods of future studies, which is the Delphi method, relying on the Delphi method based on information as data for experts to use in making judgments on the issue. The research presented for opinion poll, the research yielded a number of results, the most important of which are: that professional practice research within schools includes creative ideas and experimentation, shares successful practices, and supports collective learning and collective participation in solving school problems. This represents the foundation of a learning organization.        
The axes of the future vision were to determine the opinions of experts on the contributions of professional practice research in supporting the shift towards the learning organization model, in accordance with the five steps of the Redding model, which is the unique model in assessing and evaluating the characteristics of the learning organization, through the following five steps: (Determining the goal and benefit of the shift towards... The learning organization model in Egyptian schools, choosing the evaluation tool and discovering results in Egyptian schools, developing the learning organization strategy in Egyptian schools, planning the learning organization initiatives in Egyptian schools, implementing the learning organization initiatives in Egyptian schools). The vision also presented a number of proposed mechanisms and procedures to implement the opinions of experts in accordance with the context. Cultural assessment for Egyptian schools, predicting obstacles to implementation and presenting proposals to overcome those obstacles


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