Evaluation of the Developed Arabic Language Curricula for the Last ‎Three Grades of Primary School in Light of the Fifth Industrial ‎Revolution Requirements

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education- Minia University


This study aimed to evaluate the developed Arabic language curricula for the last three grades of primary school in Egypt in light of the requirements of the Fifth Industrial Revolution. A list of these requirements was compiled, and content analysis was used to explore their presence in the objectives, content, and activities of these curricula. A specially designed analysis tool was employed for this purpose, and six textbooks were analyzed. The analysis categories were based on the list of Fifth Industrial Revolution requirements. The "topic" was chosen as the unit of analysis, and "frequency" was used for counting and recording. The results indicated that the level of inclusion of the Fifth Industrial Revolution requirements in the developed Arabic language curricula under study was less than 70%, which is the acceptable level defined in this study. Among the analyzed curricula, the sixth-grade second-semester curriculum had the highest inclusion level, with an average inclusion rate of 69.33%. This was followed by the fifth-grade second-semester curriculum at 46.33%, and the fourth-grade first-semester curriculum at 43.67%. The curriculum with the lowest inclusion level was the sixth-grade first-semester curriculum, with an average inclusion rate of 35.33%, followed by the fifth-grade first-semester curriculum at 39.00%, and the fourth-grade second-semester curriculum at 40.67%. Based on these findings, several suggestions were made to better incorporate the requirements of the Fifth Industrial Revolution into these curricula. Additionally, several recommendations and suggestions for further research were made in light of the obtained results.


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