A proposed concept for developing professional development ‎programs for principals of public education schools in Hail region ‎according to national guidelines and international standards for ‎professional development

Document Type : Original Article


Education Department, Education College, Hail University, Hail City, KSA


This study aimed to identify the following: the reality of professional development programs for principals of public schools in Hail according to international standards for professional development, the differences that might be attributed to different variables (educational stage, service's years in administration, courses while administration), and presenting proposed concept for developing professional development programs for principals of public education schools in Hail region. The researcher used the descriptive survey method, and a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The Delphi method was also used for proposed concept. The study sample consisted of (204) individuals, whom were selected from study population that contained (433) principals.  The most important results were: The reality of professional development programs for principals of schools was achieved with a total medium degree, with arithmetic mean of (4.048). All professional development standards related to: (framework, processes, and content) got a medium degree of approval. There were not any differences might be attributed to differences of variables of the study. The study recommended to develop the professional development programs for principals of public education schools in Hail according to national guidelines and international standards for professional development. The study also presented a proposed concept to be applied.


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