A program based on electronic scientific project-based learning to ‎develop integrative design skills and digital transformation awareness ‎among students of kindergarten teachers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods Faculty of Education Ain Shams University

2 Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods Faculty of Education Ain Shams University".

3 Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University


The research aimed to develop integrative design skills and dimensions of digital transformation awareness among students of kindergarten teachers through a program based on electronic project-based learning. The research followed the descriptive-analytical method when constructing the program and designing the evaluation tools which are: the integrative design skills test and the digital transformation awareness scale. The experimental method was used in applying the research experiment, where a group consisting of 68 students was selected for the experimental and control groups. The experimental treatment, represented by the program based on project-based electronic learning, was applied to the experimental group, and the evaluation tools were applied before and after the experimental treatment to the research groups. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the kindergarten teacher students in the experimental group in the pre and post applications of the evaluation tools in favor of the post application, indicating the effectiveness of the program based on project-based electronic learning in developing integrative design skills and digital transformation awareness among kindergarten teacher students. The research recommended the integration of the integrative design and digital transformation awareness development program into the science curricula for kindergarten teacher students, providing continuous training for faculty members on how to implement and support this program, encouraging participation in active learning activities and applied projects based on project-based electronic learning, and enhancing the development of integrative design skills and digital transformation awareness using interactive technologies and digital applications.


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