Teaching social studies using the guided imagination strategy To develop future thinking skills and motivation to learn among‎ second year middle school students

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty Of Education In Aswan - Aswan University


The aim of the current research is to determine the effectiveness of teaching social studies using the directed imagination strategy to develop future thinking skills and motivation to learn among second year middle school students, The researcher followed the analytical descriptive approach and the experimental approach, and the research materials were identified in a list of future thinking skills, and a list of dimensions of motivation to learn social studies that must be developed among second year middle school students, The student’s handbook, and the teacher’s guide for the unit “The Rightly-Guided Caliphs (11-40 AH),” formulated according to the guided imagination strategy, The research tools were a test of future thinking skills and a measure of motivation to learn social studies. The research experiment was applied according to an experimental design with two groups (one experimental and the second control subjected to two pre- and post-measurements), Their number reached (62) students at the “Joint Republic Preparatory School” affiliated with the Aswan Educational Administration, The current research found that there were statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental and control group students in the post-application of the future thinking skills test and the motivation to learn scale for the benefit of the experimental group students, Which confirms the effectiveness of teaching social studies using the directed imagination strategy to develop future thinking skills and motivation to learn among second year middle school students in the field of teaching the selected unit, The research recommendations came to the need to direct the attention of curriculum developers and developers in the preparatory stage to modern teaching methods and strategies such as the directed imagination strategy, as imagination is an important and essential factor in eliminating boredom, increasing motivation to learn, and developing various thinking skills.


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