The Effect of Teaching Science According to the Numbered Heads Together Strategy on Academic Achievement and Development of Achievement Motivation of First-Grade Preparatory Stage Students

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Science, Faculty of Education, Aswan University.


The research aimed to determine the effect of teaching science according to the numbered heads together strategy on first-grade preparatory stage students’ academic achievement and achievement motivation in science. The research groups consisted of (62) students in the first grade from two preparatory schools in Aswan. The experimental group taught the unit of "Matter and its Structure" according to the numbered heads together strategy, while the control group taught according to the usual method. For answering the research questions and verifying its hypotheses, a teachers guide and a student’s booklet, as well as two instruments were prepared. The t-test for independent and paired samples and the Cohen’s d for measuring the effect size were used to analyze the collected data of students. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences for the experimental group at the level of 0.01 between the mean scores of experimental and control groups in both: the academic achievement, and the achievement motivation in science. In addition, there was a large effect size of the numbered heads together strategy on the dependent variables. Based on the results, some recommendations and suggestions are provided.

Volume 61, Issue 61 - Serial Number 61
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
Pages 513-578
  • Receive Date: 27 June 2019
  • Accept Date: 27 June 2019