A proposed vision for developing the qualitative external efficiency of ‎university education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of the ‎requirements of the labor market

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of education


           The study aimed to present a proposed vision for developing the qualitative external efficiency of university education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the point of view of faculty members in light of the requirements of the labor market, by identifying the requirements and revealing the obstacles, and reviewing the statistically significant differences in the requirements and obstacles of the qualitative external efficiency of the humanities colleges at King Saud University attributed to the variable of the college and academic rank. The study used the descriptive survey method, and used the questionnaire tool to collect data. The most prominent results of the study are: The requirements for developing the qualitative external efficiency of university education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the perspective of faculty members in the humanities colleges at King Saud University in light of the requirements of the labor market were largely achieved in all four areas, as the general arithmetic mean of the responses of the study sample members on this axis reached (2.76), and the highest areas in the degree of approval of the study sample (the fourth area: professional ethics possessed by graduates of humanities colleges) obtained an arithmetic mean of (2.85), and the obstacles to developing the qualitative external efficiency of university education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the perspective of faculty members in the humanities colleges at King Saud University in light of the requirements of the labor market were largely achieved, as the general arithmetic mean of the responses of the study sample members on this axis reached (2.89).


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