" Predicting performance in aspects of the preparation of teachers of different specialities through Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences"

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology Faculty of Education, Minia University


The current research aimed at predicting performance in the aspects of teacher preparation (the educational aspect, The cultural aspect, the academic aspect, the total aspects of the teacher's preparation), through Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, which includes eight types: (linguistic intelligence, logical mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, physical intelligence, Social intelligence, personal intelligence and natural intelligence. It also aimed at identifing the level of multiple intelligences among students in each speciality. The sample of the study consisted of (1069) students in the first speciality of the Faculty of Education, Minia University, distributed over (13) specialities. The researcher translated the RIMI (Rogers, 2011) and standardized it for use in the current research.
The most important findings were as follows:
1 - The level of multiple intelligences among the students of the Faculty of Education, Minia University, The sample of the current study, ranged between medium and high.
2 - Personal intelligence and social intelligence came in the forefront of the most common types of intelligences among students in all disciplines of the Faculty of Education Minia University, and the spatial intelligence and natural intelligence as the least common types of intelligences among students in most disciplines.
3 - It’s possible to predict to predict performance in the educational aspect through these intelligences: (logical intelligence: basic social education), (linguistic intelligence: specialization: geography and Arabic language), (social intelligence: specialization: agricultural education, ).
4- It’s possible to predict to predict performance in the cultural aspect through these intelligences: (cognitive intelligence: specialization: English language, French language, Biology, basic Education, English), (natural intelligence: specialization: Physics, French Language, English), (musical intelligence: specialization: Geography).
5. It’s possible to predict to predict performance in the academic aspect through these intelligences: (logical intelligence: specialization: geography, basic education, social science, basic education), (natural intelligence: agricultural education specialization), (spatial intelligence: specialization: basic social education).
6 - It’s possible to predict to predict performance in the all aspects of teacher preparation through these intelligences: (logical intelligence: geography, basic social education), (linguistic intelligence: specialization: Arabic language, physics), natural intelligence: specialization: physics, , Mathematical intelligenceand Personal intelligence: Specialization (Physics), (Motor intelligence: Major: Science, Physics, Arabic).

Volume 64, Issue 64 - Serial Number 64
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
Pages 25-93
  • Receive Date: 15 August 2019
  • Accept Date: 15 August 2019