The Effectiveness of E-Learning Platform Based on Collaborative Digital Storytelling to Develop Co-Regulation and Belongingness Toward the Homeland for South Valley University’ Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Educational Technology Faculty of Specific Education South Valley University

2 Instructor of Educational Technology, Faculty of Specific Education, South Valley University

3 Instructional Technology Instructor Faculty of Specific Education, South Valley University


The e-learning platform is one of the learning environments that create competition among international companies and educational institutions to produce and design the best instructional tools which can be utilized for developing these platforms. Collaborative Digital Storytelling is one instructional tool which can be utilized to design a better instructional platform. Based on the results of prior researches and studies we can gain more benefits through the development of co-regulation among university’ students. Besides, university’ students face many challenges in terms of belonging to the homeland. Furthermore, the research problem for the current study is understanding the effectiveness of e-learning platform based on collaborative digital storytelling to develop co-regulation and belongingness toward the homeland for South Valley University’ students. The researchers used the descriptive analysis and experimental research approach. The sample consisted of (43) male and female students and they studied on the e-learning platform based on collaborative digital storytelling for one month. The research results indicate that using the e-learning platform based on collaborative digital storytelling has a positive effect on developing co-regulation for the undergraduate students at South Valley University. In addition, the proposed platform can improve the belongingness of South Valley University’ students toward their Homeland.


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