The Reality of the Application of Quality Control Standards for Autism Spectrum Disorder Programs in the Makkah Region in Light of Certain Variables

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Special Education, University of Jeddah Saudi Arabia

2 majstyr aidtirab tiif altawahud almamlakat alearabiat alsaeudia


The present study aimed to reveal the standards of controlling the quality of autism spectrum disorder programs and determine to what extent they are met in the centers of Makah region in light of the two variables of (program reference and program type). The final sample consisted of the (93) autism spectrum disorder centers in the region within the programs of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. The quality control standards for autism spectrum disorder programs were used by the study. The results found that the general standard for controlling the quality of autism spectrum disorder programs in the centers in Makkah region was (SOMETIMES) met with the arithmetic mean of (3.01), and that there were statistically significant differences in the trend of the programs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, and in the trend of private programs, according to the program reference and the program type respectively.


Main Subjects